Is a mastectomy still appropriate? Give O. Clinique du sein Mont-Godinne, Breast cancer: cure and after. Yvoir, January 2006
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy. Give O. Glem Charleroi, 2006
Hysterectomy and prolapse. Give O. Glem Wépion. Wépion, May 2007
Pregnancy and breast cancer: what prospects for our young patients. Give O. Clinique du sein Mont-Godinne, Breast cancer: cure and after. Yvoir, May 2007.
Fertility preservation in young cancer patients and ovarian cryopreservation Give O. Glem radiology. Brussels, May 2007.
Abdominal pain of gynecological origin: what the general practitioner should know. Give O. Continuous university education UCL, Arlon June 2007.
Uterine myomas. Give O. Medimeuse. February 5, 2009.
Hysterectomy and sexual function. Give O. Center for sexual medicine. University Clinics UCL Mont-Godinne. April 25, 2009.
Fertility preservation in young cancer patients and cryopreservation. Give O. JACIE Program. University Clinics UCL Mont-Godinne, June 25, 2009.
New in gynecology. Give O. Post-graduate course Union Médical Philippevillaine. Philippeville, September 15, 2009.
Uterine myoma treatment controversies. Give O, Murgo S. Scientific debate, Arsenal. Namur, January 29, 2010.
What to suggest to young women with cancer who want to preserve their fertility? Donnez OJouret M, Michaux N, Scholtes H. Scientific day of the Clinique du Sein : management of breast cancer in young women. UCL Mont Godinne, 6 March 2010.
Anatomy of the female pelvis in relation to endoscopic pelvic surgery. Give O. Biomedical Sciences Conferences. October 13, 2010.
Pelvic Oncology. Give O Henam course
Gynecological emergencies: what needs to be seen immediately, what can be delayed. Give O. Emergency Department. 08 December 2011.
Treatment of menopause. Give O ECU UCL March 10, 2012
Nodular endometriosis: the adenomyotic model. Give O. Hulencourt Meetings. June 28, 2012.
Pelvic surgery in gynecologic oncology Give O. Henam February 2013.
Endometriosis. Conference Debate. Donnez O, Polet R. Mutualités chrétiennes, Namur. 27 May 2013.
Menopause treatments. Give O, Dodecagroup, Strée June 12, 2013.
Collaborating in the management of Neuromuscular Blockade in surgery: perspectives of the surgeon and anesthesiologist. Dubois P, Donnez O. Namur 13 February 2014
Collaborating in the management of Neuromuscular Blockade in surgery: perspectives of the surgeon and anesthesiologist. Dubois P, Donnez O. Namur, 8 May 2014
The value of deep Neuromuscular Blockade throughout surgery: perspectives of the surgeon and anesthesiologist. Dubois P, Donnez O. PVRA, Genk, 17 September 2014.
Laparoscopic treatment of cesarean scar. Give O. Jaarcongres, Vlaamse vereniging voor obstetrie en Gynaecologie. Gent, 2-3 October 2014.
The value of deep Neuromuscular Blockade throughout surgery: perspectives of the surgeon and anesthesiologist. Dubois P, Donnez O. PVRA, Antwerpen, 15 october 2014.
The value of deep Neuromuscular Blockade throughout surgery: perspectives of the surgeon and anesthesiologist. Dubois P, Donnez O. Uccle, 3 december 2014.
Uterine myomas and the place of Ulipristal acetate in 2014. Give O Glem, CHU Dinant Godinne, 8 december 2014.
Collaborating in the management of Neuromuscular Blockade in surgery: perspectives of the surgeon and anesthesiologist. Dubois P, Donnez O. Namur, 26 march 2015.
Collaborating in the management of Neuromuscular Blockade in surgery: perspectives of the surgeon and anesthesiologist. Dubois P, Donnez O. Namur, 23 april 2015.
Uterine myomas and the place of Ulipristal acetate in 2014. Give O Temploux, 7 May 2015.
Uterine myomas and the place of Ulipristal acetate. Give O GYNOVE meeting, Avignon, June 9, 2016.
Endometriosis: Surgical treatments Give O GYNOVE association, Avignon, January 24, 2017.
Ulipristal acetate: for the patient and the surgeon Give O, gynecology days, Grenoble, May 30, 2017.
Laparoscopic treatment of isthmoceles and the place of MRI. Give O GYNOVE association, Avignon, November 23, 2017
Endometriosis. Give O. Soroptimist Lectures, Avignon, March 12, 2018.
News in the treatment of uterine myomas. Give O. Bordeaux, October 1, 2018
Endometriosis, the scourge of modern times? Give O. Eduprat CPD training, November 28, 2018, Avignon
Endometriosis, the scourge of modern times? Give O. Eduprat CPD training, virtual classroom, 5/27/2020.
Endometriosis, the scourge of modern times? Give O. Eduprat CPD training, 25/06/2020, Avignon.
Endometriosis, the scourge of modern times? Give O. Eduprat CPD training, virtual classroom, 5/27/2020.
Endometriosis, the scourge of modern times? Give O. CPD training code red, 01/10/2020, Saint-Rémy de Provence.
Endometriosis, the scourge of modern times? Give O. Eduprat CPD training, virtual classroom, 5/27/2021.
Endometriosis, how to detect it, how to diagnose it, how to treat it? Give O. Training in association with the association Manoléta. Avignon on 28/09/2021
Endometriosis surgery: management of complications Give O. Urban V Clinic. January 6, 2022.
Laparoscopic treatment of isthmocele. Give O. The choice of weapons.33rd edition. March 10-11, 2022. Marseille France
Laparoscopic treatment of isthmocele. Give O. 31st Salon de Gynécologie Obstétrique Pratique March 16-18 2022. Paris, France.
Endometriosis, the scourge of modern times? Give O. Eduprat CPD training, virtual classroom, March 24, 2022
Isthmocoele: diagnosis, management, impact on pregnancy Give O. 27th days of fetal medicine Aix en Provence September 22nd 2022
Adolescent menorrhagia. Give O Eduprat CPD training, virtual classroom September 2022
For or against the treatment of isthmoceles. Debate. For. Give O. Women's Health Bet(s), January 25-27, 2023, Lille.
Endometriosis: Never give up! Give O. City hall of Avignon. Conference with the association Manoléta. March 18, 2023
Endometriosis: Never give up! Give O. Polyclinic Urbain V. Training of health professionals in partnership with the Manoléta association