Complex Endometriosis Center

The ECC surgical team

Olivier Donnez

M.D. Ph.

After obtaining his medical degree from the Université Catholique de Louvain (U.C.L.) in 2000, Olivier Donnez dedicated his training to gynecological laparoscopic surgery and became a gynecologist, graduating from the UCL in 2005.
From 2005 to 2015, he worked as a gynecological surgeon at CHU UCL Namur, where he was head of the gynecology and in vitro fertilization department. He developed pelvic cancer surgery and benign laparoscopic surgery. In 2013, he defended a thesis in medical sciences, with a focus on reproductive medicine, on the subject of "Deep endometriosis: from observational study to animal model", earning him the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences (Ph D). In the same year, he was appointed Professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain. He maintains a clinical surgical activity, a sustained research activity and plays an active role in the surgical training of gynecologists in training at the CHU.
Since 2015, he has been working primarily in surgery at the Polyclinique Urbain V. In 2016, he created the first multidisciplinary endometriosis consultation meeting, bringing together all the pathology's hyperspecialists in the same place to offer a personalized care pathway for patients suffering from endometriosis. In 2016, he decided to dedicate his entire surgical activity to complex endometriosis in its digestive and urological forms. Ranked 59th in the Le Point rankings for endometriosis in 2015, the Polyclinique Urbain V has since 2018 become the 3rd private establishment in France for the treatment of endometriosis. His research focuses on deep endometriosis, ovarian endometriosis, uterine myomas and Caesarean section scar dehiscence (or isthmoceles), for which he was the first to describe the laparoscopic surgical correction technique in 2008.
During his career, he has held various positions in scientific societies and journals, and participated in a number of clinical trials. He regularly presents the progress of his research work at national and international scientific conferences. His various scientific publications and conference presentations are detailed below.


Amandine Poudou

Midwife - Coordinator

After passing the competitive examination for the first cycle of medical studies, Amandine POUDOU decided to enter the Montpellier midwifery school. After graduating in 2006, she began working at the Sainte Elisabeth clinic and maternity hospital in Namur. Committed to teaching students, she took on the role of master of practical training at the Haute Ecole de Namur, before joining the CHU UCL Namur in 2010. Here, she follows a number of complementary training courses.
In 2014, she became a midwife sonographer after obtaining the inter-university diploma in gynecological and obstetrical ultrasound at the Lille faculty and defending a thesis on the ultrasound diagnosis of cesarean scar dehiscence in non-pregnant women.
Since 2014, she has been working as a midwife sonographer in the gynecology and in vitro fertilization department at CHU UCL Namur. She holds a certificate in pharmacology.
In 2022, she obtained the multidisciplinary and generalist Inter-University Diploma (DIU) in the management of endometriosis and adenomyosis from the faculties of Lyon, Lille and Bordeaux, and became coordinator of the CEC in 2022.


Linda Nekkaa


Before joining the CEC, Linda Nekkaa worked in several social contact professions as a socio-cultural mediator, where she acquired sound experience.
In 2021-2022, she acquired her certificate as a medical and social assistant secretary at INFREP and joining the CEC in 2022.
Her empathy, communicative dynamism, cheerful nature and foresight have enabled her to take firm control of the CEC secretariat and to master its functioning in order to accompany you throughout your care at the CEC.

Operating aids

ECC operating aids
Gaelle Simon

Gaelle Simon

Consultations and Operating Aid

After graduating as a registered nurse in 2014, Gaelle Simon first practiced in the urology and cardiology departments of the Rhone Durance Clinic.
Between 2014 and 2018, she worked in a residential facility for dependent elderly people, where she became a posture trainer and coordinator between the different medical and paramedical players in the facility.
In 2018, she joined the operating team at the Polyclinique Urbain V, way throughout where she became familiar with the various specialties of gynecological, digestive, ophthalmological and esthetic surgery in the operating room.
In 2020, she joined a professional association of gynecological surgeons, acquiring s sound experience in laparoscopic pelvic surgery as an operating assistant.
In 2022, she joined the CEC as a full-time operating assistant and consultation aide.
Blessed with the capacity to anticipate and adapt, she assists the surgeon in complex moves that she grasps perfectly. She also spends half of her working time in consultations, where she assists the surgeon in complex cases.


Anna Esposito

Operating aid

Anna Esposito obtained her State Nursing Diploma in 1990. From 1990 to 1997, she worked as an operating room nurse at the Polyclinique Urbain V.
In 1998, she took up a post as assistant operating room manager.
In 2002, she obtained her diploma as a state-qualified operating room nurse, and became care coordinator in 2009.
In 2011, she joined a gynecological surgery partnership, where she familiarized herself with pelvic surgery and, in particular, laparoscopic surgical techniques, until 2022, when she assiduously trained in laparoscopic endometriosis surgery using the CO2 laser.
In 2022, Ms. Esposito joins the CEC as an operating assistant. She assists the surgeon with complex endometriosis surgical procedures, bringing to bear her in-depth knowledge of operating room procedures and her experience in assisting with C02 laser surgery.

In-vitro fertilization team


Adrienne Fouquet


Dr. Adrienne FOUQUET was an intern at the hospitals of Lille and then obtained her DES in gynecology and obstetrics. She participated in research activities on in vitro fertilization and endometriosis which led to scientific publications.
She also holds a DIU in gynecological and obstetrical ultrasound and a DESC in reproductive medicine.
In 2017, she worked as a hospital practitioner at the Calais Hospital and since 2018 as a freelancer at the Avignon MAP center.


Eric De Lannoy


Dr. Eric de LANNOY graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Lyon and has been practicing in Avignon since 1997 as a gynecologist, obstetrician and specialist in medically assisted reproduction.

AnneCéline REYSS

Anne-Céline Reyss


Dr. Anne-Céline REYSS obtained her DES in gynecology and obstetrics from the Lille medical school in 2005, where she also obtained the DU in gynecological and obstetrical ultrasound.
Since 2006, she has been a holder of the DESC in reproductive medicine and medical gynecology from the University of Lille 2.
From 2005 to 2007, she worked as head of clinic at the Jeanne de Flandre Hospital in Lille and specialized in MAP.
She has been practicing in Avignon since 2007.


Elodie Scalici

Medical biologist

Fertility biologist, MD, PhD
Biological manager of the Avignon MPA center. Doctor Elodie Scalici is the author of several scientific publications in the field of medically assisted reproduction.


Emmanuelle Bessueille


Doctor Emmanuelle BESSUEILLE is a gynecologist, obstetrician and medical assistance to procreation. She accompanies you in the follow-up of infertility.
She obtained her DES in gynecology and obstetrics and the DESC in reproductive medicine from the faculty of Montpellier.
She also holds a DIU in gynecological and obstetrical ultrasound, hysteroscopy and colposcopy.

Mélanie Vasseur Trémolières


A former intern at Angers hospitals, Dr. Vasseur Trémolières Mélanie specializes in medical gynecology.
She worked from 2018 to 2023 as a medical gynecologist at the Clinique de l'Anjou in Maine et Loire. She has held a DIU in colposcopy since 2018 and a DIU in gynecological and obstetric ultrasound since 2020. She has also trained in PMA and holds a DU in PMA and infertility from Cochin Hospital. She has been practicing as a medical gynecologist at the Clinique Urbain V in Avignon since September 2023.

Visceral surgery team

Alexandre LLORY

Alexandre Llory


General surgeon specialized in laparoscopy, Dr. Alexandre LLORY intervenes in complex surgical procedures when a sigmoidal (or very rarely rectal) resection is necessary during a joint operation with the gynecological surgeon. Dr. LLORY also performs laparoscopic surgeries when endometriosis affects the diaphragm or the abdominal wall and there is an indication for the interposition of prosthetic material.


Daniel Duchene


As a general surgeon specializing in laparoscopy, Dr. Daniel DUCHENE is involved in the continuity of care for patients operated on for digestive endometriosis.

Urological surgery team


Julien Le Nobin


Doctor Julien Le Nobin passed the entrance exam to the Faculty of Medicine in Rouen where he completed his first two cycles of medical studies. He was then accepted for the internship competition in surgical speciality at the CHRU of Lille where he chose to train in Urological Surgery after a cycle of General Surgery.
His training in the department of Professor VILLERS was focused on general urology and more specifically on urological cancer (PhD thesis on kidney cancer). He completed a year of research on Prostate Cancer at NYU Langone Hospital in New York in 2012.
He also specialized in laparoscopic surgery with robotic assistance at the Institut Mutualiste Montsouris in Paris to complete his training; he is currently practicing urological and reconstructive urinary tract cancer surgery using this technique at the Rhone Durance clinic.


Christophe Clement


Originally from the PACA region, Dr. CLEMENT was trained in Marseille during all his medical and surgical studies.
During these years, he appreciated the technicality necessary for this profession (laser / laparoscopy / robotic surgery), the exchange with the teams and the contact with the patients. Indeed, from the diagnosis of the pathology to the management of patients in advanced stages, urology brings this transversality of a great particularity. He wished to return to Avignon to develop laparoscopic surgery in urology and especially to complete the robotic surgery project.


Alessandro Di Rosa


Dr. Alessandro Di Rosa studied at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in Catania, Italy. During his studies, he developed a passion for Urology, a complex and varied specialty. During his internship, he decided to develop his skills and complete his career in France. He practiced for 4 years in the departments of Visceral Surgery, Gynecology and Urology at the hospital of Annecy. He obtained his Specialist Diploma in Urological Surgery in 2017.
His activity focuses on urological oncology, pediatric surgery, treatment and prevention of urinary lithiasis as well as prostate adenoma. He also practices laser treatment of the prostate and stones, and robotic surgery since 2016.


Jean Tourniaire


Dr Jean TOURNIAIRE is the radiological referent for the RCP and actively participates in the multidisciplinary meetings. He performs and rereads pelvic magnetic resonance scans of patients with complex endometriosis lesions invading the pelvis.
Dr Jean TOURNIAIRE is also an interventional radiologist and performs drainage of pelvic collections under CT. He also performs anterograde JJ catheterization and nephrostomy catheterization.

Mickael Maillard


Anne Regis-Arnaud


Julie Valcke


Pain Center

Laurent Sixou


Dr Laurent SIXOU is coordinator of the pain center and a member of the RCP.

Jean-Pierre Guilbot


Daniel Degani


Gastroenterologist and hepatologist

Dr Bruneau Tognarelli

Gastroenterologist and hepatologist Dr. Tognarelli is a member of the RCP.


Nathalie Héritier

Clinical psychologist Nathalie HERITIER provides specific support to patients suffering from endometriosis. This support is essential, not only in the context of clarifying the disease after a long period of wandering, but also in accompanying the medical and surgical management proposed by the CEC. This support is all the more necessary in the long-term management of complex diseases requiring major surgery and/or in vitro fertilization.
Nathalie HERITIER also helps prepare patients for hysterectomy surgery, whatever their age. Indeed, while a uterus affected by endometriosis can become a difficult burden to live with on a daily basis, this does not mean that hysterectomy is welcomed with open arms. Our approach is to accompany the patient and help her find the resources she needs to cope calmly with surgery and the post-operative period. +33 (0)4 90 27 96 28